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Ghee, often referred to as the “liquid gold“or “golden elixir“, is a form of clarified butter that has been an integral part of Indian culture since centuries. it is rich in texture & aromatic and has not only found its place in traditional Indian cuisine but has also gained popularity worldwide due to its unique taste, numerous health benefits, and versatile culinary applications.

Ghee is not only valued for its culinary uses but also for its therapeutic properties in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is believed to balance the body’s doshas and promote overall well-being. In Indian mythology, ghee symbolizes purity, abundance, and prosperity, and it has been used in various rituals and ceremonies for centuries.

Production Process:

Ghee / Clarified Butter is derived from butter made from cow milk, but it undergoes a meticulous clarification process that distinguishes it from regular butter. First, unsalted butter is heated over low heat, allowing the water content to evaporate, and the milk solids to separate. The simmering process continues until the butter reaches its boiling point, and a layer of foam appears on the surface. The foam is then skimmed off, and the remaining liquid is strained to remove any impurities, resulting in a clear golden liquid known as ghee. This process intensifies the flavor and aroma of butter, giving ghee its unique nutty and caramel-like taste.

Nutritional Benefits:

Ghee is not only known for its exceptional taste but also for its nutritional richness. It is a powerhouse of essential vitamins such as A, E, D, and K, which are fat-soluble and contribute to various essential bodily functions. Additionally, ghee is also abundant in antioxidants that help combat free radicals, strengthening the immune system. It is also an excellent source of healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, which promote brain health and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which aids in weight management. Contrary to the popular belief that ghee causes cardiovascular issues, it rather improves heart health immensely when consumed in moderation.

Culinary Delight:

Ghee’s culinary applications are vast and varied. Its high smoke point makes it suitable for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying and sautéing without the risk of producing harmful substances. Ghee adds a distinct flavor and richness to dishes, enhancing their taste and aroma. It is a staple ingredient in traditional Indian recipes, including curries, lentils, and sweets, where it imparts a velvety texture and depth of flavor. Ghee is also used as a spread on bread, a topping on popcorn, and even as a substitute for cooking oil or butter in baking, imparting a delectable touch to every dish it graces.

Whether consumed for its nutritional value, cultural significance, or pure gastronomic pleasure, ghee remains a timeless delight that continues to enthrall and inspire food enthusiasts around the globe.


It is a versatile ingredient that offers numerous applications. Here are some common applications of ghee:

Cooking and frying: Ghee has a high smoke point, which means it can withstand high temperatures without breaking down or burning. This makes it ideal for sautéing, frying, and deep-frying. Ghee imparts a rich, nutty flavor to the food and enhances the taste of dishes.

Baking: Ghee can be used as a substitute for butter or oil in baking recipes. It adds moisture and richness to baked goods while providing a distinct flavor. Ghee is particularly popular in traditional Indian desserts like ghee-soaked halwa or ghee-laden ghee biscuits.

Flavoring and seasoning: Ghee can be drizzled over cooked vegetables, rice, or grains to add a delicious buttery taste. It can also be used as a finishing touch to soups, stews, and curries to enhance the flavor and aroma.

Spreading and condiments: Ghee can be spread on bread, toast, or roti (Indian bread) as a healthier alternative to butter or margarine. It can also be used as a base for making flavored spreads by mixing it with herbs, spices, or honey.

Ayurvedic practices: Ghee has a significant role in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and practices. It is believed to have numerous health benefits and is used in Ayurvedic formulations and preparations. Ghee is also used in Ayurvedic massages and oil pulling techniques.

Skincare: Ghee is a natural moisturizer and can be applied topically to the skin to hydrate and nourish. It is often used in traditional Ayurvedic skincare routines to promote healthy and radiant skin.

Traditional rituals: Ghee holds religious and cultural significance in some traditions. It is used in Hindu rituals as an offering to deities during ceremonies or to light oil lamps.


Vermicompost, also known as worm compost or worm castings, is a natural and nutrient-rich organic fertilizer produced through the process of vermicomposting. This sustainable method involves the use of earthworms to decompose organic waste materials, resulting in a dark, crumbly substance that enriches the soil and promotes plant growth.Vermicompost is a remarkable natural fertilizer that embodies the principles of sustainability, resourcefulness, and environmental consciousness. Through the humble earthworm, we witness the transformation of organic waste into a nutrient-dense soil amendment that nourishes plants, enhances soil health, and reduces environmental impact. The widespread adoption of vermicomposting can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future, offering a viable solution for organic waste management, promoting sustainable agriculture, and nurturing the health of our planet.

The Process of Vermicomposting:

Vermicomposting is a simple yet efficient process that harnesses the power of earthworms to transform organic waste into a valuable resource. The process begins by creating a suitable environment for the worms, typically in a composting bin or worm farm. Organic waste materials such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea leaves, and shredded paper are added to the bin. The worms then consume these organic materials, breaking them down through digestion. As the worms excrete waste, known as castings, the resulting vermicompost is collected and used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants.

Vermicompost has numerous benefits for both soil and environment apart from its significant role in sustainable agriculture. Vermicompost is a powerhouse of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that play a vital role in enhancing soil health. The castings produced by earthworms are rich in essential plant nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients are released slowly, providing a sustained supply to plants and improving their overall growth and productivity. Furthermore, vermicompost improves soil structure, enhancing its ability to retain moisture and nutrients, while also promoting aeration and drainage. The presence of beneficial microorganisms in vermicompost enhances soil fertility, suppresses harmful pathogens, and supports healthy root development.

 Vermicomposting offers several environmental benefits too, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly waste management solution. By diverting organic waste from landfills, vermicomposting reduces greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. It also helps conserve water by improving soil water-holding capacity, reducing irrigation needs. Additionally, vermicomposting reduces the reliance on synthetic fertilizers, which can contribute to water pollution and soil degradation when used excessively. This natural process encourages the recycling and reuse of organic waste, closing the loop in the nutrient cycle and promoting a more sustainable and circular approach to agriculture.

Role in Sustainable Agriculture:

Vermicompost plays a crucial role in sustainable agriculture practices as well. Its use helps reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and synthetic additives that can harm the environment and human health. By enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients, vermicompost supports the growth of healthy and resilient plants, increasing their resistance to pests and diseases. This, in turn, reduces the need for chemical interventions. Moreover, the use of vermicompost enhances biodiversity in the soil, fostering a balanced ecosystem and promoting long-term sustainability in agricultural systems.


some common applications of vermicompost are:

Soil amendment: Vermicompost is an excellent soil conditioner. It improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and promotes aeration, making it beneficial for both gardeners and farmers. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients, organic matter, and beneficial microorganisms, leading to healthier plant growth.

Plant nutrition: Vermicompost is a natural and balanced fertilizer. It provides a wide range of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and micronutrients. These nutrients are released slowly, making them readily available to plants over an extended period. Applying vermicompost to plants promotes vigorous growth, increases yield, and improves the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables.

Seed starting and transplanting: Vermicompost can be used as a seed starting medium or added to potting mixes for transplanting. It provides a favorable environment for seed germination and young plant development due to its moisture-retention capacity and nutrient content.

Compost tea: Vermicompost can be steeped in water to create a nutrient-rich liquid known as vermicompost tea. This tea can be used as a foliar spray or soil drench to deliver nutrients directly to plants’ leaves and roots. It enhances plant growth, improves disease resistance, and encourages beneficial microbial activity in the soil.

Organic farming: Vermicompost is a valuable input for organic farming practices. Its use eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizers and reduces reliance on chemical pesticides. By incorporating vermicompost into organic farming systems, farmers can promote sustainable agriculture while improving soil health and crop productivity.

Land remediation: Vermicompost can be applied to degraded or contaminated soils to restore their fertility and improve their physical properties. It helps in remediation efforts by enhancing soil structure, stimulating microbial activity, and facilitating the breakdown of pollutants.

Horticultural applications: Vermicompost is widely used in various horticultural settings, including home gardens, landscaped areas, and ornamental plantings. It improves soil quality, enhances plant vigor, and contributes to the overall aesthetics of the garden or landsccape.


Honey, a sweet and viscous substance produced by bees, has been cherished by humans for thousands of years. Known as nature’s golden nectar, honey is not only a delicious and versatile natural sweetener but also holds numerous health benefits and cultural significance. In many cultures, honey symbolizes fertility, purity, and divine sweetness. It is used as an offering to gods, a remedy for ailments, and a source of sustenance and energy. Honey has been valued throughout history for its unique taste, medicinal properties, and preservation qualities.

Honey production begins with bees collecting nectar from flowers .The nectar is then stored in a specialized honey stomach where enzymes are added.Through the process of evaporation and enzymatic activity, the moisture content of the nectar is reduced, converting it into honey. Finally, the bees seal the cells with beeswax, creating a protective layer for the honey until it is harvested by beekeepers.

Honey has numerous nutritional and health properties. It is not only a sweet delight but also a natural source of various nutrients. It contains carbohydrates in the form of glucose and fructose, which provide quick energy. Additionally, honey contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, depending on the floral source. While the composition may vary, honey generally contains small amounts of vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and potassium. The antioxidant properties of honey contribute to its potential health benefits. Besides, Honey has been recognized for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infections and promote wound healing. Honey is also known for its soothing and cough-suppressing effects, making it a popular natural remedy for coughs and sore throats. It is often used in traditional medicine for its potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties. However, it is important to note that honey should not be given to infants under one year old due to the risk of botulism.

Culinary Delights:

Honey is a versatile ingredient in culinary traditions worldwide. Its unique flavor profile can vary depending on the floral source, ranging from light and floral to rich and robust. Honey can be used as a natural sweetener in a variety of dishes and beverages, adding depth and complexity to recipes. It is a popular topping for toast, pancakes, and yogurt, and a delightful addition to teas, baked goods, and marinades. Honey also serves as a natural preservative and contributes to the texture and moisture retention in many culinary creations.


Honey is a natural sweetener with numerous applications beyond simply adding sweetness to food and beverages. Here are some common applications of honey:

Culinary uses: Honey is widely used in cooking and baking due to its unique flavor profile. It can be used as a sweetener in a variety of dishes, including desserts, sauces, dressings, and marinades. Honey’s distinctive taste adds complexity and depth to recipes.

Natural sweetener: Honey is a healthier alternative to refined sugar and can be used as a natural sweetener in beverages such as tea, coffee, smoothies, and lemonade. It provides a natural sweetness while also offering additional nutritional benefits.

Preservative properties: Honey has natural preservative properties, thanks to its low water content and high sugar concentration. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi, making it useful for preserving fruits, vegetables, and certain types of foods.

Natural cough remedy: Honey has long been used as a home remedy for soothing coughs and sore throats. It can be consumed directly or mixed with warm water, lemon juice, or herbal teas to provide relief and help alleviate symptoms.

Skincare: Honey is beneficial for skincare due to its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. It can be used as a natural ingredient in facial masks, scrubs, and moisturizers to hydrate the skin, promote healing, and reduce inflammation. Honey is also known to help with acne and other skin conditions.

Wound healing: Honey has been used for centuries as a natural wound dressing and healing agent. It possesses antimicrobial properties that help prevent infection and promote the healing process. Honey-based wound dressings are commonly used for burns, cuts, and ulcers.

Energy boost: Honey is a source of natural energy due to its carbohydrate content. It provides a quick and sustained energy boost, making it an ideal natural energy source for athletes or those in need of an energy pick-me-up.

Allergies: Some people believe that consuming local raw honey can help alleviate seasonal allergies. The theory is that by consuming small amounts of local pollen through honey, the body may become less sensitive to the allergens over time.  


Cow dung, often referred to as cow manure, is a natural byproduct of cattle that has been utilized by humans for various purposes throughout history. Cow dung holds remarkable properties and has found its place in agriculture, energy production, traditional practices, and environmental sustainability. In this essay, we will explore the diverse uses and benefits of cow dung, shedding light on its significance in different aspects of human life.


Cow dung has long been recognized as a valuable organic fertilizer. It is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it an excellent source of plant nutrition. When applied to the soil, cow dung enhances soil fertility, improves its structure, and promotes healthy plant growth. It increases microbial activity in the soil, aiding in nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. Additionally, cow dung helps retain moisture in the soil, reducing water loss through evaporation and improving drought resistance in crops. Its use as a natural fertilizer reduces the reliance on synthetic chemicals, contributing to sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Besides, Cow dung has also played a significant role in energy production, particularly in rural areas. Through anaerobic digestion, cow dung can be conveniently converted into biogas. Biogas is a renewable energy source composed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. It can be used as a substitute for fossil fuels, providing a cleaner and more sustainable alternative for cooking, heating, and generating electricity, thus reducing the carbon footprint. Biogas production from cow dung not only reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources but also helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and utilizing methane, a potent greenhouse gas released during the natural decomposition of dung.

Cow dung is also used as a sacred and purifying substance as it is believed to possess antimicrobial properties and is used in traditional medicine for its potential therapeutic benefits. Cow dung is also utilized in the construction of traditional dwellings, such as mud houses. When mixed with clay and straw, cow dung acts as a natural binder, providing strength, insulation, and protection against pests.

The utilization of cow dung contributes to environmental sustainability in multiple ways. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, the production of biogas from cow dung reduces the emission of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By harnessing methane as an energy source, we can reduce the impact of livestock farming on climate change. Moreover, the use of cow dung as a fertilizer reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can contribute to water pollution and soil degradation. Cow dung also acts as a natural soil amendment, improving soil health and supporting biodiversity.


Fertilizer and soil amendment: Cow dung is an excellent organic fertilizer. It is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are beneficial for plant growth. Cow dung can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. It provides slow-release nutrients and enhances microbial activity in the soil.

Composting: Cow dung is a valuable ingredient in composting processes. It is considered a “green” or nitrogen-rich component that balances the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in compost piles. Adding cow dung to compost helps accelerate the decomposition process, producing nutrient-rich humus that can be used to enrich garden soil.

Biogas production: Cow dung is commonly used as a feedstock in biogas production. Biogas plants utilize anaerobic digestion to convert organic materials, including cow dung, into biogas—a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas can be used as a renewable energy source for cooking, heating, and generating electricity.

Traditional building material: In some cultures, cow dung mixed with straw or other natural materials is used as a traditional building material. The mixture, known as “dung plaster,” is applied to walls and floors to create a durable and insulating surface. It has been used for constructing traditional homes, barns, and other structures.

Pesticide and insect repellent: Cow dung can be used as an organic pesticide and insect repellent. When mixed with water, it can create a solution that deters pests and insects from damaging plants. It is particularly effective against certain types of garden pests and acts as a natural deterrent.

Sacred rituals and ceremonies: In some cultural and religious practices, cow dung is considered sacred and is used in rituals and ceremonies. It may be used to create ritualistic fire, as a symbol of purity, or as a spiritual offering.

Tomato Powder

Our dried tomato powder contains all the sweetness and acidity of fresh tomatoes.

It can be used to flavour and color foods without any unnecessary moisture.

Tomato powder is used as a convenience product because it is basically an instant tomato puree or tomato paste. Just add water and its ready to use!

Now it is gaining popularity as a spice and seasoning also.

Our Tomato powder is bright brick red in color and has a 12-month shelf life when stored properly.

 Dried Tomato Powder is an excellent source of vitamin A and Vitamin C, which help to boost the immune system.


It can be used to add flavor in curries, gravies and seasoning for veggies, meats, breads, rice, snacks and much more. It can also be used to prepare pizza sauce and pasta sauce.

Tomato powder can be used as a spice, seasoning and garnish, as well as a base to make liquid tomato preparations like tomato paste and tomato sauce.

Onion Powder

Onion is cultivated all over the world. It is highly nutritious food containing high level of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a small number of calories.

Spray drying process is used to make fine onion powder. So, Onion powder is five times more effective than fresh onions and we may substitute 1 cup of fresh onion by only 1 tablespoon of onion powder. Our Onion Powder is light pink / off-white in color and a specific odour.

It is recommended to be stored in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. It has a 12-month shelf life when stored properly.

It is a free-flowing powder and 90-95% soluble in water. The taste ranges from sweet and juicy to sharp, spicy, and pungent, depending on the variety of onions used.  Onion Powder is a good source of vitamin C, also supports the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair.


Onion powder is used in many delicacies and cuisines, and it has more benefits over use of fresh onions. Use of fresh onions can easily be replaced by using the onion powder. Onion Powder can be used in any recipe in which fresh onions are used. Onion powder is used as a base for rubs and marinades. It is an essential seasoning for Soups, Stews, Dips, Salad dressings, ground meat for Burgers, Skillet Suppers and much more.

Garlic powder

Our Garlic powder (Allium Sativum) is fine spray dried garlic powder. This powder is a favorite spice all around the world because of its versatility and excellent flavor.

Using garlic powder provides more benefits than fresh, chopped and minced garlic. Powdered garlic can be used for infusion of garlic taste in the entire dish.

Our Garlic powder meets international quality standards, ensuring purity and freshness, as well as delicious taste and nutritional content.

It is an off-white colored, free-flowing powder, which is 90- 95% soluble in water.


Garlic powder is used in different herbal medicines, pharma industry and health enhancement products.

It is used in beverages, Instant Drink, soups, chutney Premix, Seasoning Masala, Protein Powder and much more.

It is used in cosmetics, skincare products for its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and skin smoothing properties.

It is used in chemical products too, due to higher concentration of sulfur compounds present in it than in any other Allium species.

Ginger Powder

Ginger Powder is the dried form of dried Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) roots. It is essentially used as a seasoning agent. The powdered form doesn’t carry the distinctive pungent flavour of roots and it is used to give meals a mild taste.

Our Ginger Powder is a light brown coloured, free flowing powder, which is 90- 95% soluble in water. The long shelf life of more than 2 years of this powder makes it a high demand product.

There are many health benefits of ginger powder, thus attracting attention of many health enthusiasts.


Ginger Powder is commonly used as a seasoning agent while preparing gingerbreads, cakes, cookies, ginger beer and many more. It is sprinkled on vegetable dishes, sauces and other cooked fruit. It is used in curries, sauces, chutneys and baking also. It is used for its medicinal applications as well, as it helps in treatment of cancerous tumors and gut problems. Ginger Powder’s medicinal benefits include aid in blood circulation, detoxification, and skin nourishment.

Green Chilli Powder

Green chilli powder is made by drying freshly picked green chillies, removing the stems, and then grinding them into a powder.

It is widely used in dry soup mixes, stuffing mixes, fast foods, sauces, food preparations and vegetable mixes.

Our Green Chilli Powder is green in colour and has a 12 month shelf life when stored properly. It is spicy in taste and free flowing powder soluble in water. Touching and cutting of fresh green chillies can easily be avoided because Green Chilli Powder has the pungency of green chilli intact.

Our Green chilli powder is known for its extended shelf life and spicy taste.

Green chilli helps in burning calories and speeding up metabolism, therefore aids in weight loss. Green chilli powder is much healthier than red chilli powder.

Due to a considerable proportion of beta-carotene, green chillies help in maintaining proper functioning of the cardiovascular system along with boosting the immunity.


Our Green Chilli Powder has a wide range of applications. It can be used to make green sauce or add to stews and braises. Also makes a great dry rub for meat. Green chili imparts a sweet, roasted taste which enhances the gastronomic experience with a mild heat. It can be used as a rub, seasoning or in soups.

Carrot Powder

Carrot is a root vegetable being used in veggies, salads, curries and much more.

Our carrot powder has all the flavors and nutritional benefits of carrots with an easy-to-use feature. Our product is concentrated, spray-dried powder of carrots. It is an Orange-red colored powder with a shelf life of 2 years.

Our carrot powder is great source of fiber and many phytonutrients such as Beta carotene, Alpha-carotene, Anthocyanin, Lycopene, Lutein, and polyacetylene. All in all, it is loaded with nutrition.


Carrot Powder has a mild, sweet and slight peppery flavor. It blends well with sauces, mayonnaise, pastes and much more. It is used as a flavoring agent also. It is used as a natural coloring agent for baked foods. Carrot powder is a nutritional and convenient option as an added ingredient. It can be easily used as a healthy addition to any diet. It is an easy-to-use powder, which gives a valuable addition to the final dish.

Mushroom powder

Mushroom powder is produced by spray drying. Many types of mushrooms are used to get mushroom powder. In mushroom powder, you get a higher concentration of nutrients than whole mushroom pieces in your meal. Our Mushroom Powder has the natural color of

mushrooms. It is free flowing Powder and Soluble in Water.

There are more than 200 varieties of edible mushrooms and we can provide you mushroom

powder as per your specific requirements.


Our Mushroom Powder can be easily applied in Dry Mix Beverages, Dietary Supplements,

Nutritional bars, Powder Drink Mixes, Soup powders, Cereals, and many more. It can be

added to coffee also and enjoy your coffee mixed with health benefits. Mushroom Powder

is also added to juices or smoothie for extra health benefits. Mushroom Powder is most

popularly used in soups, salad dressings, oatmeal, dips/spreads and sauces pastas, noodles,

gravies, dry mixes and more.

Coriander Green Powder

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. Both the leaves and fruit (seeds) of coriander are used as food and medicine. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania, kothmir, or cilantro. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used to flavor international dishes. Coriander is a fragrant, antioxidant-rich herb that has many culinary uses and health benefits.

Product Features:

Our Coriander Powder is green in colour and has a 12-month shelf life when stored properly. It is a Free-flowing Powder, and Soluble in Water. Spray dried Coriander Powder is processed with the help of dehydrated coriander and advanced processing machines. It is strictly checked on different quality parameters assuring its taste and quality.


The holistic science of Ayurveda preaches the use of coriander seeds or seed powder to cure stomach related ailments like constipation, indigestion, abdominal pain etc. Enriched with essential nutrients like Vitamin A, C, folic acid, and beta-carotene, regular consumption of coriander powder helps ward off infections like common cough, cold and flu symptoms.

Coriander powder holds high significance in treating a host of ailments including arthritis, pain, inflammation, headaches, allergy, anaemia, hyperglycaemia, heart problems, skin conditions and even cancer. Coriander powder is widely used in Indian preparations. It is an essential ingredient of many curries and gravies as it has a mild aroma that instigates the appetite. Adding ground coriander to pancake and waffle mixes imparts a pleasing taste to it.

Mint Powder

Mint is the name for over a dozen plant species, including peppermint and spearmint, which belongs to the genus Mentha. It is an aromatic herb widely used in preparation of teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams. It is particularly known for the cooling sensation it imparts. The leaf color ranges from dark green and grey-green to purple, blue and sometimes yellow. As the storage of fresh mint leaves is difficult, it is extremely convenient to use Mint Powder in food preparations.

Product Features:

Pragti Mint Powder is green in color and has a typical odor of Mint. It is Free-flowing Powder

and Soluble in Water. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals, yogurt and even ice cream.


Mint is a popular ingredient in several foods and beverages, ranging from teas and alcoholic drinks to sauces, salads and desserts. Mint Powder is also a potent source of antioxidants, especially when compared to other herbs and spices. Antioxidants help protect your body from oxidative stress, a type of damage to cells caused by free radicals. Mint-flavored chewing gum and breath mints are most popular for when trying to prevent or getting rid of bad breath instantly due to the presence of germicidal properties. It also does wonders for our overall oral health. It inhibits bacterial growth inside the mouth, and cleanses the plaque deposition on teeth. This is the very reason why so many of the toothpastes in the market also come in mint base. Besides, it is also popularly used in aromatherapy and health supplements.

Spinach Powder

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a leafy green plant. It contains loads of nutrients, vitamin C, vitamin K, Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium and high amount of Carotenoids. This is the reason why spinach is also considered a super food. This leafy vegetable gives benefit to the skin, hair and bones. Our Spinach Powder is light to dark green color, free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. Spinach powder is a good source of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals, making it a suitable ingredient to be used in the formulation of foods with high nutritional or biological values.


Spinach powder is used in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals, green smoothies, shakes, soup mixes, curries and many more.  Besides, it can also be added in homemade bread, pasta or eggs, dips and dressings, or sprinkled on cheese. It adds an extra flavor, a little extra color and lots of extra nutrition. Spinach Powder is used to make supplements that are used to increase performance and helps in weight loss by fighting cravings, thus reducing appetite and calorie intake.

Mustard Greens (Sarson Saag) Powder

Mustard greens are peppery tasting green plants of mustard mostly known as “Sarson ka Saag”, vegetable mustard, Indian mustard, brown mustard, Chinese mustard. There are several varieties, which are usually green and have a strong bitter, spicy flavor. To balance the sharp flavour, mustard green leaves are cooked in olive oil, butter, vinegar or lemon juice etc. Mustard greens are one of the most nutritious food rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber and other micronutrients. Our Mustard Greens Powder is light to dark green in color, free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water.


Pragti Mustard Greens powder can replace fresh mustard greens, which are widely used in Indian dish named “Sarson ka Saag”, So, You can prepare your favourite dish now in any season of the year. Pragti Mustard Green Powder may be used in salads, smoothies, green juices, soups, stews, non-veg dishes and many more. It may be pickled also by using sugar, salt, vinegar, garlic and chillis.

Celery Powder

Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, and many antioxidant nutrients in its stem specifically. It is a wonderful source of phytonutrients, which reduces instances of inflammation in the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels, and organs. Pragti Celery Powder is green in color. It is free flowing powder and soluble in water. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals.


Celery Plant Powder is different from other plant based seasonings. It is used largely in curing meats like deli turkey and sausage. Using synthetic nitrates and nitrites are really harmful whereas celery powder is allowable as an organic ingredient. Celery Plant Powder has been used to naturally cleanse and detoxify the body along with promoting hydration. Celery Powder can be added to prepare celery juice to help support weight management, aid digestion and reduce bloating. It is used to alkalize the body too. In herbal medicine, Celery Powder is sometimes used as a diuretic, which can help lower blood pressure. It also has a long history of use in certain systems of alternative medicine such as Ayurveda to treat conditions including cold and flu.

Broccoli Powder

Broccoli is a nutrient powerhouse. It is a great source of calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, chromium and folate. It is fat-free. Like other cruciferous vegetables, it can help lower the risk of heart disease plus it contains a compound called sulforaphane, which helps body to fight against cancers. The powdered broccoli gives the same health benefits as fresh broccoli. Broccoli powder is nutrient-rich and full of fibre. Pragti Broccoli Powder is green in color and free-flowing Powder soluble in water.


Broccoli powder has so many applications, from adding the powder directly to a glass of water, shake or smoothie, right up to soups, stews and other solid meals. It is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals. You can jump on the trend and even add it to your morning coffee. Broccoli powder can be taken as a nutritional supplement, either combined with other vegetable powders or alone. Broccoli powder is a rich source of phyto-estrogens, and hence it helps soothe PMS, menopausal imbalances and supports immune and reproductive system health for women.Broccoli Powder may aid in skincare and give you a glowing, healthy, and radiant appearance.

Cauliflower Powder

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins. Cauliflower is very low in calories yet high in vitamins. In fact, cauliflower contains almost every vitamin and mineral that the human body needs. It provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. It also contains fiber to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline that is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients. This superfood may also help boost eye health, maintain hormonal balance, and can prevent diabetes, colitis, respiratory papillomatosis, hypertension, and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Product Features:

Cauliflower Powder has the natural color of Cauliflowers. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. Due to its free-flowing ability, it can be easily applied in Dry Mix Beverages, Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Powder Drink Mixes, Soup powders, Cereals, and much more.


Cauliflower Powder can be added to pasta bake, casseroles, soups, stews, vegetable dip and falafel. Cauliflower Powder is great to use in sauces and salad dressings. In baked goods, Cauliflower Powder provides structure to the food; it absorbs liquid which is a result of its high water absorption capacity. It also imparts its characteristic flavor and imparts a mild neutral taste. Cauliflower Powder is a great addition to Nutraceuticals as it is a source of dietary fiber that can aid in digestion and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition to this, dietary isothiocyanates in cauliflower can reduce the risk of various abdominal disorders which may include stomach ulcers and other gastric diseases.

Cabbage Powder

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is a leafy green, red, or white biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. Cabbage contains Protein, Vitamin K, B and C, Folate, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium. In addition, cabbage is high in fiber and contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols and sulfur compounds. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of cabbage decreases the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and overall mortality. It can also help promote increased energy, and overall lower weight.

Product Features:

We offer both Green Cabbage Powder and Red Cabbage Powder. Green Cabbage Powder is green in color, while Red Cabbage Powder is Reddish-Pink. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals.


Cabbage Powder is typically used in Soups and Stocks, Savory Meals, Juices and Smoothies. It is great for digestion. The fibre-rich properties of cabbage provide fuel for gut-friendly bacteria which is a great way to keep your digestive system healthy. Packed with Vitamin C that is needed to make collagen and to support the proper functioning of muscles and bones in your body. It could also help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control blood sugar. Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong. Cabbage Powder is popularly used in Sports Nutrition due to its high level of Nitrates, which can improve physical performance, particularly during high-intensity endurance exercise and are of great benefit in an athlete diet.

Beetroot powder

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) has been gaining in popularity as a superfood. Recent studies claim that beets and beetroot juice can improve athletic performance and reduce blood pressure. Beets also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, copper, selenium. In addition to vitamins and minerals, beet juice and powder also contains nitrates. Dietary nitrate helps improve vascular function and aids healthy blood flow.

Product Features:

Beetroot Powder is an edible natural, pink-coloured powder made from spray drying Beetroot juice. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. Beetroot Powder is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals, yogurt and even ice cream.


Beet powder can be mixed with water to create a juice. It can also be added to smoothies, sauces, or baked goods. Beet powder is growing in popularity as a natural health-boosting supplements. Beet juice may help people with obesity be more sensitive to insulin and reduce their blood sugar levels. Beet powder and beet juice can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be added to make a colorful pickling solution for quick pickles, into smoothies and sauces for extra flavor, or can be sprinkled over oatmeal or yogurt. Beetroot contains betanin, which includes a number of water-soluble pigments called betacyanins, which gives it a reddish purple colour in powder form and a more reddish colour in liquid solution, which is used for the application in cosmetics.

Capsicum Powder

Capsicum plays a pivotal role in improving overall health. It enhances the immunity of the body and increases the brain’s production of serotonin. It is also considered an Anti-convulsant, anti- epileptic action, and anti-aging. Capsicum alters contractions in the upper and lower digestive tract and decreases ulceration of the stomach. Scientifically, it helps to stimulate the production of melanin.

Production process

Capsicum slurry is put through a basket filter to remove impurities. The Capsicum slurry is then clarified to eliminate any remaining contaminants. After that, the slurry is condensed using an evaporator. To make Capsicum Powder, a carrier is added to a concentrated slurry, then the slurry is spray-dried. The powder is next sieved via a vibratory sleeve, yielding a fine, free-flowing natural Capsicum powder.

Product Features:

Our capsicum powder is Light Green colored Free-flowing Powder, and 100% Soluble in Water. It delivers a typical flavour and taste of Capsicum. Our standard Capsicum Powder has less than 10% Carrier. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for a wide range of applications.


Capsicum Powder can be added to a variety of food products for flavour and colour like stir fry dishes, noodles and curries. They can also be added to salsa, salads or quiches. Capsicum has analgesic and antiseptic properties which help in treating food poisoning. Due to this property it can be used in Nutraceuticals and Ayurvedic medicines. Paprika Oleoresin/ Capsaicin/ Capsicum is condensed hot seasoning additives, it is widely applied in hot food seasoning with extremely hot flavor. The bio-actives of Capsicum or Capsicum extracts not only act as functional ingredients but also proven natural preservatives. It is a free-flowing powder which makes it suitable for use in ready-to-eat (RTE) food products.

Tamarind Powder

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a type of tropical fruit used in many dishes around the world. The pulp of the young fruit is green and sour. As it ripens, the juicy pulp becomes paste-like and more sweet-sour. Interestingly, tamarind is sometimes referred to as the “date of India.” Tamarind is a rich source of magnesium. It also contains more calcium than many plant foods. The combination of these two minerals, plus weight-bearing exercise, could help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Product Features:

Tamarind or Imli Powder is made using naturally processed fruit. It is spray dried to create fine powder without lumps. Tamarind Powder is brown in color and Soluble in Water. It is also gluten-free, non-GMO, and is well suited for a wide range of applications in Beverages, Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Dry Mixes and Cereals.


Tamarind Powder is used in sauces, marinades, chutneys, drinks, and desserts  and can also be used to make seasoning blends, salts and rubs. Tamarind has played an important role in traditional medicine. In beverage form, it is commonly used to treat diarrhea, constipation, fever, and malaria. The bark and leaves are also used to promote wound healing. Tamarind Powder works as a natural skin protector. From an exfoliating agent to an anti- blemish and pigmentation manager, tamarind powder works brilliantly for skin. It is a good source of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) which is one of the major ingredients for exfoliation. Tamarind powder has application in toothpastes as it helps in cleaning gums and teeth, especially for weak teeth.

Zucchini (Courgette) Powder

The zucchini, courgette or baby marrow is a summer squash in the Cucurbitaceae plant family, a vining herbaceous plant whose fruit are harvested when it’s immature seeds and epicarp are still soft and edible. Although zucchini is often considered a vegetable, it is botanically classified as a fruit. It occurs in several varieties, which range in color from deep yellow to dark green.

Product Features:

Zucchini Powder is light green in color. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals and more.


Traditionally, Zucchini Powder has been used in folk medicine to treat colds, aches, and various health conditions. As Zucchini is low in carbohydrates, Zucchini Powder is used to make low carb products, such as pasta, to effectively reduce carbohydrate intake, which can help lower blood sugar levels. Zucchini Powder can be added to smoothies, Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, since the flavor is very neutral.

Watercress Powder

Watercress is part of the Brassicaceae family, it is a dark, leafy green that grows in natural spring water. Watercress is low in calories but packs a vast array of nutrients. Watercress is packed with plant compounds such as antioxidants that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful molecules that lead to oxidative stress. Watercress Powder is also a rich source of Vitamin C and beta carotene, K1 which contributes to blood clotting, lutein and zeaxanthine. It is also rich in B vitamins and the minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.

Product Features:

Watercress Powder is green in color. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals.


Watercress Powder is widely used as a culinary spice and often added in preparations of soups and salads. Since watercress is abundant in vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium and iron, this powdered herb is typically encapsulated as a dietary supplement. Watercress Powder is rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system, helps heal from injuries, and supports healthy collagen production. Watercress is full of beta-carotene and other carotenoids, which are known for being potent antioxidants.

Pumpkin Powder

Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) is a plump, nutritious orange vegetable, and a highly nutrient dense food. It is low in calories but extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, all of which are also in its seeds, leaves, and juices. Pumpkin has a wide range of benefits, including being one of the best-known sources of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that gives orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color. The body converts any ingested beta carotene into vitamin A.

Product Features:

Pumpkin Powder is a spray dried powder created from ripe pumpkins. It is also called Pumpkin flour. It is yellow in colour and is gently refreshing with a summery fragrance. Our Pumpkin powder is all natural, gluten free and rich in taste. It is a Free-flowing Powder, soluble in water and has a 12-month shelf life when stored properly.


There are many ways to incorporate pumpkin into desserts, soups, salads, preserves, and even as a substitute for butter. Pumpkin Powder can be used as a healthier alternative to wheat flour in cooking or baking. It can also serve as a natural food coloring or sweetener in drinks and other dishes. Pumpkin Powder boasts disease-fighting and immune-enhancing potential, thanks to its wealth of bioactive compounds and antioxidants. Pumpkin Powder works well in soups, purees, cookies, cakes, coffees, casseroles, pastas, and pies. Pumpkin Powder is found in nutraceuticals as it has high levels of vitamin C which are great for skin health. The body uses it to make collagen, which keeps the skin strong, plump, and elastic.

Cucumber Powder

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that usually bears cylindrical fruits, which are used as culinary vegetables. Cucumbers are packed with nutrients. It is loaded with vitamins K, B and C along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Cucumber powder is used in skincare products to tackle aging issues, and also hydrate the skin.

Product Features:

Cucumber Powder is ivory white to off-white in color with a faintly woody scent of cucumber. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. It is also gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals.


Cucumber Powder can be added to salad dressings, soups, sauces, couscous, and dips. It can be added to any recipe to add cucumber flavour to it. Cucumber Powder can be used to flavour baked goods as well like cucumber cake and bread.It is considered as a spice in culinary preparations. Cucumber Powder can be used in various cosmetic products. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and Cucumber has the capacity of tightening the skin. Its soothing properties make it an ideal ingredient for treating redness and irritation of the skin. Cucumber Seed Powder is used in various face masks, and it can even be used in other cosmetic applications to bring a smooth consistency to them.

Green Peas Powder

The pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit Pisum sativum.Green Peas Powder or Flour is a fiber, vitamin, mineral and protein powerhouse. It contains Vitamins A, C, K, and an array of Vitamin B including folic acids and minerals like Manganese, Phosphorus, Iron etc. which are essential for good overall health, and especially for eyes and heart. It is loaded with fibre and it keeps the digestive tract healthy. It is also low in carbs, calories and full of antioxidants.

Product Features:

Pea Powder is light green in color. It is Free-flowing Powder and Soluble in Water. It has the sweet flavour of green peas with a light smoky taste. It is gluten-free, non-GMO, and is suitable for use in Dietary Supplements, Nutritional bars, Beverages, Powder Drink Mixes, Cereals.


Green Pea Powder is an ingredient which can be easily add to daily meals for healthy protein boost to both sweet and savoury dishes. It is used as a gluten free substitute for cooking and baking. Green pea flour can be used in pasta or pancakes. It can also be added to vegetable soups. It’s typically used to increase the protein content of smoothies and shakes and is a great fit for almost any diet since it’s naturally vegan and hypoallergenic. Pea protein is a high-quality protein and a great source of iron. Grounded green peas are great in pancakes, cookies and cakes. Green Pea Powder helps with weight loss, prevents cancer, prevents constipation, reduces depression, and improves bone health. It is also added to skincare products as it prevents free radical damage and cleanses the skin of toxins, thus delaying aging and preventing dullness.